How to zoom in on a picture

broken image

In that case You need to set the bacground-repeat atributum with no-repeate vale, to avoid that the element's background will be fill like mosaic, and You can also algin the background with the bacground-position atributum.

broken image

Slove the problem, if u scale the bacground it wont be cover the whole element, if it not problem try the bacground-size atributume with the contain value, what means it will be scale to the whole image is be seen. If You use the background-size: attributume, with cover value, it means the whole element will be covered by the image, so it will be scaled to cover that element, and if just the roof seeing, may You can set the bacground-position atributume to center value, it means the image center will be at the element center, so not just the roof being seen.